This is amazing work Bonnie! Omg, I laughed and had so much empathy for 16 year old you. I'm also impressed by your ability to work a VCR to such advantage, especially during the dark ages, although not as dark as mine 🤣. Your reimagining of the ending was so awesome, just the right note for me to land on just before bed on this Sunday night. 🥰

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Oh, I love hearing this, thank you ❤️❤️ I had a feeling you'd get a kick out of this one :)

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May 19Liked by Bonnie Solomon

This is great. I hope I would have reacted similarly to your mother. As I was reading I thought she might have asked if she could borrow it😂

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Ha! That would have been a great ending as well. :)

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May 19Liked by Bonnie Solomon


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